Tembang Macapat: The Traditional Javanese Poetic Form

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Tembang Macapat is a traditional Javanese poetic form that has been passed down through generations. It is a unique form of poetry that is still popular in Java, Indonesia. This form of poetry is known for its beautiful and lyrical verses that are often accompanied by music. In this article, we will explore the history, structure, and significance of Tembang Macapat.

The History of Tembang Macapat

Tembang Macapat originated in Java during the 14th century. It was traditionally performed by Javanese poets in the royal courts of Java. The form of poetry was used to entertain the royal family and to express their emotions and feelings. Over time, the form of poetry became popular among the common people, and it became an essential part of Javanese culture.

During the Dutch colonial period, Tembang Macapat was banned, and many of the poets who performed it were persecuted. However, the form of poetry remained popular, and after Indonesia’s independence, it was recognized as an essential part of the country’s cultural heritage.

The Structure of Tembang Macapat

Tembang Macapat is a unique form of poetry that consists of a strict structure. The poetic form is divided into seven different types, each with a distinct meter and rhyme scheme. Each type of Tembang Macapat has its own unique name and is used to express different emotions and feelings.

The seven types of Tembang Macapat are:

  • Pangkur
  • Gambuh
  • Dhandhanggula
  • Mijil
  • Pocung
  • Sinom
  • Asmarandana

Each type of Tembang Macapat has a specific meter and rhyme scheme. The lines of each poem must follow the meter and rhyme scheme of the particular type of Tembang Macapat being used.

The poems usually consist of four lines, each with eight syllables. The rhyming pattern of the poems is abab or abcb.

The Significance of Tembang Macapat

Tembang Macapat is an essential part of Javanese culture. It is a form of poetry that is still popular in Java, and it is often performed during cultural events and ceremonies. The poetic form is used to express a wide range of emotions and feelings, including love, sadness, and happiness.

Many Javanese people consider Tembang Macapat to be a form of spiritual poetry. The form of poetry is often used in Javanese mystical traditions, and it is believed to have healing powers. The traditional Javanese belief is that the poetry’s rhythms and sounds can have a calming effect on the mind and body.


Tembang Macapat is a traditional Javanese poetic form that has been passed down through generations. It is a unique form of poetry that is still popular in Java, Indonesia. The form of poetry is known for its beautiful and lyrical verses that are often accompanied by music. The poetic form is used to express a wide range of emotions and feelings, and it is an essential part of Javanese culture.

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